Undergraduate Program in Applied Mathematics

Graduates of a 4-year B.Sc. program in Applied Mathematics with a strong emphasis on pure mathematics and some computer science can pursue various career opportunities in fields that value analytical thinking, problem-solving, and mathematical rigor. These include:

  • Academic Research and Education
  • Software Development and Data Science
  • Cryptography and Cybersecurity
  • Operations Research and Optimization
  • Quantitative Finance
  • Government and Policy Making
  • Mathematical Consulting

This strong foundation in theoretical mathematics ensures graduates are well-prepared for both academic pursuits and roles in cutting-edge technical fields.

Course Structure

Semester         Course Code Category Course Name
Semester 1 MATH111 Math Calculus 1
MATH221 Math Discrete Mathematics
CS101 Computer Science Introduction to Programming
HASS101 Humanities & Social Academic & Communication Skills 1
HASS100 Humanities & Social First Principles of NewUU
Semester 2 MATH211 Math Calculus 2
MATH201 Math Linear Algebra
CS211 Computer Science Object Oriented Programming
PHYS101 Physics Physics 1
HASS111 Humanities & Social Academic & Communication Skills 2
Semester 3 MATH222 Math Calculus 3
MATH202 Math Advanced Linear Algebra
MATH232 Math Probability and Statistics
PHYS111 Physics Physics 2
CS111 Computer Science Algorithms & Data Structures
Semester 4 MATH250 Math Topology
MATH270 Math Abstract Algebra
MATH241 Math Ordinary Differential Equations
CS202 Computer Science Digital Logic Design
HASS110 Humanities & Social History of Uzbekistan
Semester 5 MATH311 Math Partial Differential Equations
CS321 Computer Science Theory of Computation
MATH303 Math Game Theory
MATH321 Math Introduction to Number Theory and Cryptography
CS212 Computer Science Design & Analysis of Algorithms
Semester 6 MATH233 Math Optimization Theory
MATH313 Math Numerical Analysis
MATH305 Math Complex Analysis
MATH390 Math Composing Scientific Texts
HASS305 Humanities & Social Philosophy
CS411 Computer Science Artificial Intelligence
Semester 7 MATH406 Math Functional Analysis
CS421 Computer Science Distributed Systems
MATH402 Math Combinatorial Analysis
TBD Math Free Elective
GRAD490 Graduation Project Graduation Project 1 / Internship 1
Semester 8 MATH403 Math Basic Algebraic Geometry
MATH414 Math Advanced Probability Theory and Statistics
HASS200 Humanities & Social Communications Ethics
TBD Math Free Elective
GRAD491 Graduation Project Graduation Project 2 / Internship 2

Graduate Program

Coming soon...